HEBOH!!! Pesan Terakhir dari menara untuk MH370

The information below generally applies to health insurance policies available for sale as of Nov. 1, 2017, that took effect for coverage Jan. 1, 2018 through Dec. 31, 2018.  Note that "average" prices listed may not reveal lowest costs or highest costs, so the effect on an individual or family often requires a closer look at individual plans.  The federal HHS-sponsored web site, www.healthcare.gov, is intended to make this precise list-price information available to policymakers and the general public. Subsidies for those with annual income up to 400 percent of federal poverty can be calculated by those who are prepared to enter their confidential financial information.  
  • The ACA Marketplaces Open for Enrollment: 2-Minute Video on What to Know. Video For Consumers 2018: "November 1 marked the first day of open enrollment for the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) health insurance marketplaces.  Watch and share this video to understand basic facts about ACA enrollment at healthcare.gov.The Commonwealth Fund’s Sara Collins shares updated information with consumers who are shopping for health plans. Collins reminds viewers that the ACA has not been repealed, and that affordable health insurance — and enrollment assistance – is available. Health plan premiums are rising, Collins says, however most people with marketplace insurance will be protected from the increases thanks to the ACA’s premium subsides."  WATCH VIDEO | Web page
  • States Step Up to Protect Consumers in Wake of Cuts to ACA Cost-Sharing Reduction Payments.
    Authors include Kevin Lucia, who spoke at two NCSL events in the past year, and Sabrina Corlette of Georgetown University’s Center for Health Insurance Reform.
    On Oct. 27, 2017 a new report "States Step Up to Protect Consumers" by The Commonwealth Fund explains that many marketplace enrollees will be insulated from the loss of CSR funds and “the resulting premium hikes in 2018, thanks to subsidies that rise with premium costs and the actions of many state insurance departments. How consumers paying full price fare will depend largely on state officials’ decisions. The authors break down how each state has managed the uncertainty over — and eventual termination of — the cost-sharing reduction payments. For example, a majority of states assumed payments would not be made and applied the premium increase to silver plans only, leaving bronze and gold plans affordable for people with or without premium subsidies.”
  • Insurer Participation Down, Premiums Up In Uncertainty-Plagued Marketplaces
    On October 30, HHS reported on health plan choice and premiums in the 2018 federal exchange. Insurer participation is down for 2018 from 2017 and premiums, particularly for the benchmark silver plans, are up dramatically, reflecting recent administration steps that have buffeted the marketplaces. Full summary by Prof. Tim Jost published by Health Affairs, 10/30/2017.
  • HHS Report: Health Plan Choices and Premiums in the 2018 Federal Health Insurance Exchange. The report documents what was already widely known—insurer participation in the exchanges is down for 2018 from 2017 and premiums, particularly the benchmark silver plan premiums, are up dramatically. Advance premium tax credits (APTC), however, are also up sharply, and most consumers who purchase coverage through the exchange may find that coverage costs less than last year after APTC are applied. Released 10/30/2017 by HHS, 40 pp,PDF.
Menara mencoba untuk menyampaikan pesan terakhir dari pesawat Malaysia airlines dengan nomor penerbangan MH370 empat tahun yang lalu. Pesan yang dikirim lebih dari tiga kali, tapi tidak pernah menerima MH370.

Fakta tentang pesan ini tidak muncul dalam dokumen resmi penyelidikan MH370. Satu pesan baru dipanggil Kementerian Transportasi Malaysia dirilis semua rekaman dari percakapan antara menara kontrol dengan MH370 minggu ini.

Malaysia Airlines adalah mencoba untuk mengirim pesan ke MH370 melalui menara. Pesan itu ditujukan kepada pilot MH370, Kapten Zahaire Ahmad Shah.

Sebuah pesan akan muncul pada layar Exposure Control Unit (undang-UNDANG itu sendiri). Karena tidak ada lagi kunjungan diterima, pesan yang dikirim tiga kali berturut-turut di 18:38, 18:40, 18:41. Menurut laporan dari media the Daily Star, sabtu 15 September 2018, pesan terakhir yang pernah dikirim.

Hanya mencoba dikirim berkata: SAYANG MH370. MOHON ACK TES MSG. RGDS/OC.

MH370 menghilang tanpa jejak pada 8 Maret 2014. Pesawat yang diisi dengan beberapa dari 239 penumpang dan awak kapal, perjalanan dari Kuala Lumpar ke Beijing. Peneliti menduga bahwa pesawat jatuh di Samudera Hindia.

Sebuah laporan resmi yang dirilis pada bulan juli menunjukkan ada 221 kilogram baterai yang dimiliki oleh perusahaan Motorola. Tetapi bahan ini tidak dipindai di lapangan terbang karena dia terlalu besar untuk pergi melalui mesin x-ray.

Laporan tebal 450 halaman juga mencatat MH370 telah melakukan manuver balik arah setelah lepas landas.

Penyidik mengklarifikasi wacana tentang kemungkinan pembajakan, tetapi tidak ada bukti psikologis atau proses pidana untuk menyimpulkan salah satu kru sengaja menjatuhkan pesawat.

Tiga potongan-potongan puing-puing yang diyakini dari MH370 telah ditemukan di Tanzania dan selatan Afrika Selatan.

Untuk hal ini, strategi harus mempertimbangkan lebih dari 60 teori-teori tentang apa yang sebenarnya terjadi pada pesawat.

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